Getting started in the community

Thank you for joining the Victorious Christians community! We’re excited to have you on board.

Get Started in the Community

Now that your account is activated, here’s how to get started:

  1. Complete Your Profile
    Add a profile picture and update your preferences by visiting My Account Preferences.
  2. Introduce Yourself
    Share a little about your faith journey in the Introduce Yourself category.
  3. Explore Tutorials
    Get familiar with the platform using these helpful guides:
  1. Review Our Guidelines
    Help maintain a respectful and uplifting environment by reviewing our Community Guidelines.
  2. Bookmark Your Welcome Email
    You can always revisit this information in our Getting Started category.

Need Help?

If you have any questions or need assistance, visit the [Help & Support Center] Post your messages in the category.

We look forward to connecting with you, encouraging one another, and sharing in the blessings of a Victorious Christian life.

The Victorious Christians Team